Stylekum: Your clean beauty expert in Oman

Marzen Salazar

In the heart of a bustling Muscat nowadays, there’s a brand-new cosmetic shop named Stylekum-a literal Arabic translation of Your Style.

The elegant storefront, adorned with Italian shades and chic window displays, immediately captured our attention.

Stylekum Shop in Mabella Oman


From passion to profession: Why Stylekum’s founder advocates for clean beauty

Take a moment to think about your earliest beauty memory.

To many of us, perhaps it looks like this: our younger selves, staring at our moms or grandmothers while they apply skincare products just before they tuck us in at night. Innocently wondering what those cleansers and creams are for and wanting to try them out but not being allowed to. Being unable to explain how or why, but just knowing in your gut that it keeps mom and grandma pretty and powerful.

This is quite how Chhavi Sharma—founder and CEO of Stylekum, Oman’s first dedicated boutique for clean beauty products—started to grow into the beauty industry.

Stylekum Founder Chhavi Sharma


“When I go back in time to my childhood, and I think about beauty, what I think about is really skincare from my grandmothers. I think [they have] the best style of skincare. My grandma, in her 90s, has the best skin,” she proudly recalls. “And [to this day], my mom [still] showers with fresh cream and turmeric, and her skin is still as soft,” she adds, saying that her mom also mixes flowers as ingredients and uses them for her routine.

Growing up with women who take self-care seriously inspired Chhavi to pursue a career in the beauty industry. Prior to establishing Stylekum, she’s been a Luxury Brand Manager for several years. Her exposure to the beauty space made her gain a better understanding of its ins and outs and empowered her to give Stylekum life.

“I’m extremely passionate about cosmetics and beauty,” she says. “I just think it adds so much [to our lives]. It enhances your power just the way you want it to. And it gives you freedom in the way you like to express yourself.”

More than being just tools to prettify one’s self

Chhavi saw something more valuable in makeup and skincare products: style expression. This very belief became the inspiration behind Stylekum’s name. Stylekum, which means “your style” in Arabic, ultimately provides a safe space for beauty in a way that’s also safe for the planet.

Stylekum's clean beauty goal

“Consumers use skincare for various reasons. But [I think] being in the industry, it is my social responsibility to bring the right kind of products or brands [to them],” she says.

What Stylekum offers

Stylekum offers a curated collection of vegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free, and organic beauty products from well-known international brands like NAM, Lafz a Halal, Zaynmyza, The Face Shop, Luban Oman, and more. One thing Chhavi is proud of about Stylekum is being in partnership with brands that embrace the values of sustainability, ethicality, and holistic wellness—from cosmetics to skincare to hair care to perfumes.

Through Stylekum, Chhavi hopes to empower more people to choose to live more sustainably by using products that are pure, natural, and organic.

“There has been a definite shift towards clean beauty products as an increasing number of people have seen its advantages. Being non-toxic and natural, it has already earned the reputation of being better for skin and health. However, the benefits go beyond—it encompasses a broader environmental angle. Ethical sourcing, cruelty-free, and no animal testing are some key features of the products we represent,” Chhavi says.

Sustainable beauty for you and the planet is what Stylekum stands for and why they exist.

As a trailblazer of the clean beauty marketplace, they’re just getting started. Stylekum’s physical store is located at The Palazzo in Al Araimi Boulevard Mall. The Stylekum website will also be up soon.

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